“A decade from now, choosing a linear feed from a broadcast grid of 200 channels will seem like using a rotary dial telephone” proclaimed Netflix in its earnings letter to shareholders. The on-demand media streaming provider recently released its earnings report, beating expectations for earnings per share (EPS) and revenues. In the letter, Netflix touched on the competition from Hulu and Amazon, and on the “dying” DVD business, which it tried to spin off with Qwikster last September, forecasting a 1.5 million loss in DVD members in Q1 alone.
Like Netflix, numerous web companies and startups have been eating away at traditional TV viewing offering a more personal video viewing experience and original made-for-web video content propelled by the surge of fast broadband internet, new technologies and gadgets, and social media. Meanwhile, big consumer electronics companies have been pushing SmartTVs in an attempt to adapt for changing consumer habits.
In this regard, the ArabNet Digital Summit 2012 will include a panel entitled “The Future of Television” with leading figures from the media and consumer electronics industries shedding light on the evolving video creation and consumption landscapes.
Fawzi Rahal - Regional Digital Director, Grey Group
Based between Beirut and Dubai, Fawzi Rahal is the Founder of The Next Web Middle East, and Digital Director at Grey in the MENA region. He started his digital career in the creative field, working for Leo Burnett in Dubai. He then worked shortly for McCann Ericsson, and moved to Grey Group, to head the digital arm of Grey MENA. With over 12 years of experience in the digital field in the Middle East, Fawzi has a passion for technology, social media, gadgets, and type design, and rants a lot about the regional and global digital cyberspace.
Maryse Thomas - CEO, Pokeware
Maryse Thomas is responsible for establishing corporate relationships, and business planning activities. In addition to her position as CEO, she focuses on the implementation of effective digital advertising programs, e-commerce solutions, and the execution of aggressive revenue goals. Her principal focus is to equip advertisers and content producers with POKEWARE's proprietary tools, in conjunction with partnerships that will enable and organic integration of contextual product placement, compatible interaction, and measurement.
Ivan Robert Nurgberg - GM, Regional SmartTV Business, LG Electronics
Ivan has the special ability to combine his broad business knowledge with a unique product, concept and design development experience. His unique career path has put him in close contact with both up- and downstream activities, and from this he contributed broadly to many levels and functions in the organization. With his out-of-the-box thinking and entrepreneur mindset, he is known to create progress, and has repeatedly - with success - initiated and managed new departments within the companies he has worked for.
Abdullah Mando - Co-founder, CEO, Uturn Entertainment
Abdullah Mando is the co-founder and CEO of UTURN, an online network that creates and distributes local and entertaining content. Abdullah's vision is to stimulate and nourish thought through mass media. In UTURN’s early days, Abdullah was involved in every aspect of the organization, including content development and creation. Today, his role is to ensure that UTURN is in the right direction and meeting its objectives, while developing processes and departments. His academic background enabled him to put the company on the right track to success, balancing between content creation and business aspirations.
Karim Daoud - CEO, Intigral
Karim Daoud is the CEO of Intigral, created to enable telecos and regional ISPs to deliver a compelling digital media experience to consumers across Mobile, Web and IPTV. He was previously an Executive Director with Twofour54 where he defined the zone’s growth strategy, focusing on collaboration between global and regional media houses and creators and entrepreneurs. Formerly, Karim was the Director of Strategy and Business Development at LBC where he formed an alliance with Rotana group. Earlier in his career, Karim was a Senior Associate with Booz Allen Hamilton where he led engagements across the Middle East in telecommunications and technology.
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