Steve Ballmer's Wackiest Moments as a Microsoft Employee

Wael Nabbout
Oct 02 2013
Steve Ballmer's Wackiest Moments as a Microsoft Employee
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Steven Anthony Ballmer, or Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s CEO ever since Bill Gates stepped down in 2000, revealed last August that it was his turn now to step down. According to the announcement, in 12-months he will no longer be CEO of the company.

During his reign, Microsoft released two of its biggest and most successful products: Windows XP and 7. They also had some down moments with Vista and the unforgivable mistake of missing 'the next bit thing' of the 21st century: mobile. He's made outrageous claims regarding his competitors in the mobile market: Android, the iPhone, and the iPad among others. But believe it or not, those aren't his wackiest moments.

To celebrate the closing of an era, we bring you the funniest stage appearances, the freak outs, and the too-weird-to-characterize moments of Steve Ballmer.

As you watch the videos, keep in mind that this is a man whose personal wealth is estimated at $18 billion and was once - for over 13 long years - the chief executive officer of one of the biggest companies to ever exist.

1. The Windows 1.0, XP and 2000 commercials

Before he became CEO, Steve headed several Microsoft divisions, including operations, operating systems development, and sales and support, until 1992, when he became Executive Vice President. Yet during his tenor, he made it a point to appear in many of the company’s commercials and personally advocate the brand. With that kind of passion, it was probably really hard turning to someone else after Gates stepped down.

Windows 1.0 was the first version of Windows to launch. It was released on November of 1985. 1.0 was supported for 16 years, the longest out of all versions of Windows.

Windows 2000 was launched to retail in February 2000. Marketed as the most secure version ever, it was the target of a number of high-profile virus attacks and continued to receive patches for vulnerabilities nearly every month until the end of its life cycle.

Ballmer took on a minor role in a weird 7 minute ad inspired by the 90s hit comedy movie Tommy Boy.

XP was released the next year after 2000. It is the second most popular version based on installed user base. It remained the most widely used operating system until August of 2012, when Windows 7 overtook it. Up until last August, XP still commanded a 33.66% market share.

2. At Microsoft’s 25th anniversary event

Probably his most famous appearance. A lot of passion coming your way…

3. Developers, developers, developers

Developers are key to a thriving ecosystem. Apple has been leading the pack for years in large part due to its lure over developers. Ballmer is fully aware of that.

That’s 16 times if you were counting. There's also a sequel and prequel to this motto as well, initially it was about "Windows Windows Windows baby", but later it was all about "Advertisers advertisers advertisers."

4. Here he goes bananas for almost no reason

5. With Bill Gates doing a night at the Roxbury themed clip

This is when you start questioning reality...

6. Farewell

Naturally, Steve wouldn’t leave without a bang. Like you’d expect from him, in his farewell speech, he screamed and cried to the tunes of Dirty Dancing.