Digital Activations & Mobile Apps for Banking Sector
As more consumers embrace digital technologies for making daily tasks easier, the banking industry is being challenged to develop new Digital & Mobile banking solutions that creates engagement, Apps that are faster, more secure and more contextual. With the trends spreading worldwide, it is difficult for a nation, whether big or small, developed or developing, to isolate themselves from what is happening around. We at TEDMOB are experts at digitalizing the banking industry by providing new concepts, ideas and secured apps that increases brand loyalty and enhances banking user’s experience.
“Digital Activations, after all, is the future of Marketing” – Next Now agency
It goes without saying that engagement marketing is the key to building Customer Loyalty! One of the biggest ways brands can combine both Technology and Engagement is by creating a strong Digital Activation Campaigns.
Marketing efforts of any financial organization serving either Clients or companies have always followed two goals: to raise brand awareness and attract new customers, while improving value for the existing ones to retain their loyalty. The rise of digital marketing has altered the way people expect things to happen and thus, has changed the way banking is done around the globe. At TEDMOB we are approaching banks to help them adapt this new digital marketing since fewer than 15% of banks have mature digital marketing policies, this low number is probably because they are conservative and unwilling to experiment with new and possibly unsafe technologies.
Mobile Apps for banking sector have many advantages that we should highlight on:
· Time saving: Instead of wasting time to walk into a bank, you can check account balances, schedule and receive payments, transfer money and organize your accounts when you’re on the go.
· Convenient: The ability to access bank accounts, make payments, and even track investments regardless of where you are can be a big advantage.
As an example; TEDMOB latest releases of the IR App: Investment Relation Application for the Banking Sector.
· Secure: Generally, mobile banking apps have a security guarantee to authorize any payment for added security. Mobile banking is said to be even more secure than online/internet banking.
· Increased efficiency: mobile banking functions are efficient and competitive. We at TEDMOB advice banks to develop apps for this reason help in decongesting the banking halls and reduces the amount of paperwork for both the banker and the customer.
· Fraud reduction: one very real advantage to implementing mobile banking. Customers have the advantage and control to watch their accounts.
· Mobile banking is available round the clock 24/7/365, it is easy and convenient and an ideal choice for accessing financial services for mobile phone owners.
Why you should do it? Whether a Digital Activation or a Mobile App
It effectively amplifies a brand’s message, creates a deeper level of engagement with on-the-go consumers, raises mass awareness and generate incremental reach, collects Customers Data, and return on investment.
Finally, for banks looking to delight their customers, providing excellent experiences on mobile and desktop and making people’s lives easier is perhaps the best form of marketing there is. As mobile banking continues to grow in user acceptance, TEDMOB can help you create the smart mobile banking app and make sure their customers get the best possible experience from the app.
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